Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Countdown: 2 days

My cycling co worker did part of the ride last night and gave me a good report of what the last 5 miles of the ride to work will be like. It looks like we've got a good country road in a pretty well developed area, and that's a good thing! Less cars!

Today we got a notification that the parking garage we use will be renovated over the next 10 months. That means parking is going to be an issue. If I am using a bike to get to work, it'll make my life a little easier from the parking situation. At least 2 days of the week!

Tommorow I will purchase the new tires to replace the dry rotted ones on my bike. I will also purchase a spare tube to carry just in case. The bike needs to be ready to roll so I can drop it off at my buddy's house after work on Thursday. I'll be getting a ride to a co-workers house Friday morning and riding with her to work. After work, I'll go to my buddy's house and we'll ride the 20 or so miles East to my house.

I also did some cost analysis to see how long it will take for me to recoup my investment. I am estimatating that I will spend about $350 to get myself configured for the daily commute. I am planning on only riding 2 out of 5 days to work. The remaining 3 will be split between carpooling with one co worker and driving myself. I anticiapte a gas purchase savings of about $23 per week, or about half what I currently spend. Once we get in to our new office, later next year, the commute will be about 5 miles shorter.

My biggest concern is automobile drivers in the city portions of my ride. Mostly, I have a nasty intersection at North Hills Road/Market street in York where I will have to conend with 2 lanes of traffic trying to merge on to I-83 South. I think I figured a way around it (instead of using the right turning lane, then trying to merge left, I'll wait at the light, then turn right. I will be able to use the left lane and avoid that merge area. Once past, I can get right and get on the side street.)
Around here, there are a lot of people who ride motor cycles and bicyles poorly. The motor cycle people drive way way too fast and erratically. The bicyclists I've seen seem to think they are exempt from the traffic laws, specifically riding the wrong way on one way streets and stopping for stop signs. That makes it tough for me when I am battling auto drivers for my share of the road.

Also, I am a little concerned that my wife is holding back on her feelings for me commuting by bike. After the ride on Friday, I will have a better idea of what I am attempting and can communicate that to her. She is working part time, and usually needs me to be home before she can get her work day started. I need to discuss with my boss about the potential for shifting my work hours from 8-5 to 7-7:30 to 4 or 4:30. I don't know if it will be a problem or not, but as long as I am getting my work done, it should be OK. I am estimating a 1.5 hour bike commute. As I get in to better shape, I think that time may come down some, but for now, that's what I am estimating.

OK, back to work..

PS Is anyone out there reading this? The main reason I started it was to help other folks get started commuting and to get feedback from other bike commuters. So if you have any comments, feel free to post. Thanks

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